Our facebook page is updated almost hourly.

For anything you may not be able to find here on our website.

Please click here to visit us.

We are proud to be part of Sunderland City Councils Go Online Project.

We can help you getting online at home, out-doors or here at Pallion action Group & Kayll Road Library.

Data, Devices, Software & Hardware, we will help you.


Not just that though, we can help with anything “Digital”.

Please get in touch or pop in for help, guidance or any questions you may have.

We are here to get you online, keep you safe and build you a better online identity the right way.

We were very proud to be a part of an extraordinary documentary recently shown on Channel 4 in the UK. Made by the very talented Bafta award winning Jezza Neumann and team for Dispatches.

It’s hard hitting and very emotional, but a must watch, it  highlights poverty faced by everyday people in the UK by following 4 older people and their daily lives. 

Pallion Action Group are still involved in the work shown, its what we do on a daily basis. 

We will all be elderly one day, please watch. 

As a warm hub and a community hub, we provide a warm space along with advice, activities and more.

We were recently visited by BBC Look North and featured on their programs across that day as well as being featured on the BBC news app.

During this Cost of Living Crisis We are here for you!

We are proud to have delivered Welcome Spaces for you to use during the cost of living crisis, with funding provided by Sunderland City Council

Please keep an eye on our Facebook page for future details when this may return.

Below is a collection of direct links to websites and organisations that can help you during this cost of living crisis.

If you need support reach out there is help available across the city.

After recently working with young people in our area to tackle anti-social behaviour. With funding from The National Lottery Community Fund across the summer

We were mentioned in a recent Facebook post by the previous Prime Minister – Rishi Sunak. Highlighting the work we delivered in the area as part of the Million Hours Fund

 Our buildings, Pallion Action Group and Kayll Road Library were proud to be part of Sunderland Councils Welcome Spaces

We have a regular Bingo & Broth days for our local community members to come along and get together

We provide help across a broad range. Advice, Guidance, Life, Money, Jobs, Benefits... and so much more

and more... households we have supported over the last 12 Months

please look around our website to see all the other things we do every day to make local people’s lives better

don’t hesitate to contact us for advice of any kind – if for some reason we can’t help we will know someone who can

have you thought about a new activitiy or meeting new people? – check our Activities/Clubs section above


"We are not just passionate about the community , we're passionate about the people that make our community and we work tirelessly every day to make a difference"
Karen Noble
Karen Noble
Center Manager

Charity Number: 1064481

Pallion Action Group is a registered Charity in the North east of England, Sunderland. We provide educational, recreational and social activities for the community including mentoring, advocacy, one to one support for community members, especially those most vulnerable. Volunteering opportunities to improve employability, after school clubs, holiday provision, job seeking assistance and guidance. We also have a welfare benefits and money advice project for all members of the community.